The Kingsley, through its Foundation, Kingsley Art Club Educational Foundation(KACEF), increased its outreach to the local community of artists and students who were affected by Covid19 shutdowns of schools and institutions as well as an underserved BIPOC community. We will continue to support a range of activities that further the mission.
Teacher 2 Teacher
Teacher2Teacher, a Crocker Art Museum project, is designed to give elementary grade level teachers skills and materials to bring art into their teaching of language, history and science.

Elementary School Docents
Volunteer Kingsley docents have created lessons for students in Fifth and Sixth Grades. Our docents are working on video lessons as we slowly get back to classroom visits. To see the sample Matisse lesson, click on More Information

© Henri Matisse
“Purple Robe and Anemones”
The Kingsley Initiative
The Kingsley Initiative is a new program which recognizes, encourages, and provides appropriate financial resources to local artists in the Sacramento BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) community. This program, created in 2021, is a partnership between the Crocker and the Kingsley, with a 5-year commitment. Next time you’re at the Crocker viewing the latest Crocker acquisition, or enjoying a curation or an educational outreach program, notice an acknowledgement that this effort was ‘’underwritten in whole or in part by the Kingsley Initiative”.
O Dad – Tavarus Blackmon
Work purchased for the Crocker Art Museum by the Kingsley Initiative

© Tavarus Blackmon
“O Dad”
* Work purchased for the Crocker Art Museum by the Kingsley Initiative